hi guys,
I'm a new member, and hoping to become a permanent one.
I have a little comment about the science and technology part in here:
I'm seeing that all the topics are more technology related, i hope that we can extend our questions and researches to more theoretic approaches.
So i'll became the first one to do that:
what your ideas about a grand unification theory in the physics field?
what if one of your own can find the answer to unify all physics in a simple thought theory of everyhing?
Myself, Andrew Habib, a first year engineering student at the engineering faculty at tripoli, have had a lot of thinking about this field, and i think that i've got a beautiful answer about it:
It states that there no such things as forces, in nature, and all what we call forces (gravitation, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force), are all simple manifestations of an energy field which consist on transitive particules which i call: "Transitrons".
for whom is interested about having a discussion with me about my idea, please contact me at my e-mail, so we can arrage a meeting at the unuversity or online.
Sincerly yours: Andrew René Habib